Legal Services for your specific legal needs
“Unbundled legal services” is also known as limited scope representation or discrete task representation. It refers to a method of legal services delivery whereby a client hires an attorney to assist with specific elements or tasks, for example, legal advice, document review or document preparation, coaching negotiations, and/or limited appearances in court. The client and attorney agree on the specific discrete tasks to be performed by each. Depending on the nature of the involvement, the attorney may or may not enter an appearance with the court.
Interest in unbundling legal services is growing primarily due to increasing public demand for cost-effective legal services, an increasing client desire for greater involvement in and control over their legal matters, and an increasing number of self-represented litigants.
Unbundling legal services can help self-represented litigants by providing legal services to those who may not otherwise have access to them. People with legal issues may have concerns that once they engage an attorney, legal fees will become prohibitive or they could lose control over their case. If you want an attorney, but only to provide advice, to provide coaching , or to assist you with your paperwork, I can help you. Limited scope representation helps clients prepare documents legibly, completely, and accurately and helps them prepare their cases with a better understanding of the law and court procedures. It also gives them representation for portions of their cases, such as a court hearing.
Steve’s service is extremely unique. It allows me to utilize his expertise without the costs associated with a lawyer of his caliber.